Water Wonder
30 years experience in your Service

Maintenance Service

Maintenance Service to Preserve a Healthy System

Our dedicated team offers professional, ongoing maintenance service of the highest standards for all the projects (Aquarium, Fish Pond, Waterfall, and Landscape) delivered to you.

To develop any aquarium or fish pond perfectly, it must be delicately nurtured and patiently matured. Good maintenance will result in a healthy aquatic environment. Our team is dedicated to overseeing this ongoing process.

The service allows clients to enjoy the outstanding beauty of their aqua system regardless of their busy lifestyles. Our cleaning service is tailor-made to individual clients, ensuring a continually flourishing system.



During the visits, our specialists will evaluate the overall condition and appearance of the fish and other aquatic inhabitants and will perform different tests to ensure the system’s stability. Water changes and gravel vacuuming are performed to keep a healthy environment along with the maintenance of the equipment.


Maintenance department:

Mr. Ahsan Nazir

